Getting the rest your body needs is *essential* to taking good care of yourself. That’s what Emily’s discovered. And this week, she’s celebrating the release of her brand-new book Near in the Night by sharing how you can find your way to rest more easily too! From transforming your bedroom into a soothing space, to incorporating a few easy steps to lead your mind into a place of relaxation, this fifteen-minute episode will help you reach for “calm and cozy” as you drift off tonight. Sweet dreams, y’all! 😴
PS: Get your copy of Near in the Night!

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A Blessing for Your Week
So often, we thrive on control. We think we feel better when we’re productive and moving things forward.
But I don’t think we were meant to go this fast that often. Sometimes I think we’re supposed to just sit and breathe and be. So I have a prayer for you when you need a moment of stillness.
I hope that you have a few minutes of ordinary—of plain old being.
I hope you have some precious moments where the inbox doesn’t ding, the phone doesn’t beep, and the doorbell doesn’t ring. A few moments of stillness, sitting, and observing.
I hope you’re soothed by the rhythm of your breath, the sound of the fan, the sweet scents of a place that brings you peace.
I hope that your moments of stillness remind you the world will keep spinning if you sit for a while. The work will be there, waiting to be picked back up, when you are ready.
But just for a few minutes, I hope you put down the to-do list, the unfinished project, the insatiable need to be productive.
Simplicity Tip of the Week
Did you know one of the best ways to make sure you’re getting better sleep is to wake up at the same time each day?
If you find that you get up at all sorts of times or you’re feeling a bit groggy when you wake up, try to set your alarm for the same time each day—including weekends. Make sure it’s a doable time and not a super ambitious one, and try not to press Snooze a lot. Just commit to trying it for a week and see how you feel. You might be surprised.
Resources, Links, Mentions from This Episode
- Boll + Branch Fitted Crib Sheet
- Boll + Branch Signature Hemmed Sheet Set
- Bedside Fan
- 3-in-1 Charger Stand
- LAKE Holiday Pajamas
- LAKE Nightgown
- Satin Pillowcase
- Silk Eye Mask
- Hatch Restore
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