Show Notes

Sarah Tucker


I live on the Gulf Coast of Florida in a 90 year old home with my husband, two sons, and one little boston terrier named Lola.  I am a grateful grace recipient who believes there are few problems that can’t be solved by a trip to the ocean.  I write Sarah Tucker – Life & Style  – where I share my heart, my family, products that make our life easier, adventures as we slowly decorate our home, and our travels.
 How do you take care of yourself so that you’re physically and mentally prepared to be your best self for others?
I am all about little luxuries.  I don’t have time (or the money) to go to a spa every week to unwind but I can steal a few minutes (courtesy of my husband or mom) to put a face mask, hop in a warm bath, read a chapter of a good book, and rest.  Even though most days I am dog tired a few minutes of uninterrupted rest is so life giving not only to me, but to everyone I encounter in my day.
 What’s your favorite beauty secret?  This time of year after cleansing I love using my clarisonic with coconut oil.
 What’s your favorite go-to outfit for a quick polished look?  Maxi dresses.  Something about a maxi dress makes me feel put together (even when I am so not).  Bonus:  no one knows if I haven’t shaved my legs!
 What’s your favorite quick-prep dinner for your family?  I love a good salad , that’s inspired by what’s currently at our local farm stand.
 Tell us your favorite Instagram account to follow, and why?  I love my friend Sophie’s!  She has an amazing eye, is an incredible photographer, and has the most precious heart.  It also doesn’t hurt she lives in gorgeous Sydney, Australia!  And Emily McCarthy!  Her sense of style is AMAZING, and she’s super sweet.
 What tradition or routine is important to you?  I love dinner at the table.  While my youngest is already in bed, my oldest sits there to say the prayer, eat, and then runs around under and around our feet.  There is grace, a glass of wine, no phones, and at least a little adult conversation.
 What’s in your purse? I always have a diaper bag packed with everything I would need on a playdate or out with the kids but it usually stays in my car.  My own purse has the basics like a diaper and wipes, a few toy cars, the snug sippy lids/cup, and some decent lip gloss.
Where do you find your inspiration?  My best friends are such incredible talents and always inspire me – heathershannonand cami.  We’ve been best friends since high school and I’m constantly amazed by what they create.  I’m also inspired by the ocean, time outside, time reading my Bible, my husbands heart for serving, jessica lorrens sense of style, and magazines – Southern Living and Southern Lady will always be my favorite to flip through for inspiration.
 We know you have two little ones. How do you balance motherhood along with your other responsibilities? Any tips for our readers?  I don’t!!  (:  I think if there was ever a time life could be a bit off balance, it’s when you are in the thick of life with little ones.  Let yourself off the hook for not being the best at ____ right now!  But as far as tips – ask for help!  Most people are happy to help, but they aren’t mind readers.
 What’s your favorite app for helping you do life?  I love pictapgo for editing photos!

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