Show Notes

Sarah Nycum


Hello, my name is Sarah Nycum. I was born and raised in rural western Virginia located in the “heart” of the Shenandoah Valley approximately 45 minutes west of Charlottesville, VA with my husband, daughter (5), son (almost 3), chocolate lab (Hilo) and our farm raised chickens.  While I graduated from a medical college as a laboratory scientist and also have years of experience in healthcare human resources, I am most proud of the decision for me to stay at home to raise our children.  Since then I turned my service of delivering homemade meals to family into Nycum Company, where I specialize in family meal delivery and custom gifts.

How do you take care of yourself so that you’re physically and mentally prepared to be your best self for others?

The role of being a small business owner and “mama”, juggling everyone’s schedules while trying to be the best I can be at all roles is quite challenging.  My husband is a high school administrator so his schedule is full, especially in the evenings, during the school year.  Dividing time is really hard to do, but I am at my best when I know I have given my kids all the attention they deserve and I am exceeding my clients’ needs.  Happy family and happy clients is my goal every day!

What’s your favorite beauty secret?

Most days, less is definitely more as far as time with makeup and hair.  I have just a few things in my make-up bag and I love the simple (and quick) approach that provides when getting ready. Other than coffee in the am, I try to drink as much water as possible during the day.  Plus, eating healthy does do a body good, inside and out!

What’s your favorite go-to outfit for a quick polished look?

I love finding dresses or tops that can work for anytime of the year.  Long tanks/tees are also advantageous for being able to wear year around with layering. I do not feel as guilty about shopping for only one season : )

What’s your favorite quick-prep dinner for your family?

Spending time in the kitchen is a passion, which is why Nycum Company exists.  Our family enjoys salmon—it’s so simple but packed with nutrition.  A little olive oil, S & P and honey drizzled, baked in the oven… dinner is served within minutes.  There are usually leftovers for a quick packed lunch for the next day as well!

Tell us your favorite Instagram account to follow and why?

Besides Emily Ley, I love being inspired by @jasminestar.  She is an amazing brand and marketing strategist as well as photographer so her “feeds” are not only beautiful but uplifting. Also what makes Jasmine intriguing is that she’s super knowledgeable yet very giving with sharing tips on her talent and success.  Definitely the best leader in the entrepreneur industry!

Locally, I adore @tsgcharlottesville!  Recently Nycum Company was ‘scouted’, such fun to be part of the city guide where they scout and feature the best of local businesses.  Follow along @thescoutguide for a city guide near you, especially if you’re planning to travel!

What tradition or routine is important to you?

With living in the country, we enjoy the outdoors as often as possible!  In the evenings, our family routine is filled with 4-wheeler rides through the woods with our kids and Hilo, stopping by the ponds and to pick blackberries along the way.  Spending time with family and being refreshed with the pure air of nature is a double win!

What’s in your purse?

I am a fan of larger bags because of the things you generally need with kids. Now that our son is older (potty trained!), I have downsized to a hand held zippered wallet that even holds my phone and keys.  Such a nice feeling and going in the store has never been so quick and convenient.  I can fit lip gloss in it without losing it at the bottom of the bag!

Where do you find your inspiration?

In today’s world where society is filled with corruptness, my faith and belief in Jesus Christ and the sacrifices that He made for us to live free is all the inspiration I need.  Having a loving husband, family and friends also helps make the light shine much brighter on this earth!

We know you’re a busy lady! How do you balance all of your work responsibilities with your home and personal life? Any tips for our readers?

{Trying} to stay ahead with being organized and planning makes the day go by much smoother.  I am always thinking ahead to what the kids may need for the time of day it is around the house.  Having a tidy house makes me feel that things are ‘organized’ but with kids I have learned where we need to have baskets & bins to toss the toys/blankets, etc. into making for a quick clean-up that the kids can even help with.  Also, I am grateful for family & routine sitters who assist when I am making client deliveries- which keep my children entertained!

I try to do as much as I can the evening before, no matter how tired I am, to prepare for the next day. My husband and I are naturally early-risers, that time early morning helps to take care of things around the house so our kids have our full attention when they start each day. Being organized isn’t always easy, however it is the only way I can accomplish all that I do to balance a successful business and successful home.  And remembering, it is okay to have a messy home- that means more time being and playing together as the kids are only little once!

What’s your favorite app (or other tool) for helping you do life? 

Memo, camera and calendar are my most used tools on my phone.  Memo is where I keep my ever evolving grocery list, which makes a trip to the store an efficient one- I know exactly what I need each time. Calendar helps with keeping our schedules organized to help plan for the upcoming weeks. And camera, well I love pictures and capturing the sweet moments that happen each day!  Taking time to enjoy highlights of each day is extremely important!

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Instagram: @ssnycum

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