Show Notes

Rachel Pearl

Hi, I’m Rachel! I’m the founder of August & Co., a stationery and lifestyle goods brand based in Melbourne, Australia. We create elegant and playful products that are designed to bring joy to your heart and charm to your desk! I love design, and I love making people happy, so I feel incredibly blessed that I am able to do a job that involves both of these things!

I’m originally from Canada but travelled to Australia in 2012. Here, I met the sweetest Aussie who I now call my husband. We’ve created a beautiful life here in Melbourne where we live with our fluffy Cavoodle named Beau.

How do you take care of yourself so that you’re physically and mentally prepared to be your best self for your loved ones?
I think it’s so important for us women, with all the roles we undertake, to take time out for ourselves without feeling guilty. Whether that’s getting your nails done, going for a run, or having coffee with a friend. Although our life is a busy one, I do my best to ensure I take time out to pamper myself every so often. I also try my hardest to cook healthy meals and keep active!

What’s your favorite beauty secret?
Batiste Dry Shampoo, and just recently I discovered eyeshadow primer. I can’t believe I went so long without it!

What’s your favorite outfit for a quick, polished look?
Skinny jeans and an elegant blouse, paired with my favourite wedges, a simple necklace, and my Daniel Wellington watch.

Whats your favorite quick-prep dinner for your family?
Eggs on toast are my go to lazy-Friday dinner. It’s healthy, it’s simple, and most importantly – it doesn’t make a big mess in the kitchen.

Tell us your favorite Instagram account to follow, and why?
@ashleeproffitt for her gorgeously bright photos and beautifully written captions!

What tradition or routine is important to you?
My husband and I pray together before we go to bed every single night. It’s something we started doing when we first got married and have done ever since. It’s such a good way to switch your focus from the busyness of the day to what’s really most important.

What’s in your purse?
Wallet, sunglasses, lipstick, lip chap, USB, planner, hand wipes, hairbrush, gum, pencils/pens, earphones and a pouch full random things like band-aids, makeup, q-tips, tissues, hair ties, deodorant and more. And this is why I can’t buy small handbags, haha!

Where do you find your inspiration?
Weekends at our families farm and baking! If I’m having an off day where I don’t feel inspired to do anything, baking always gets me out of a rut! Also, my husband. He is the hardest working, kind, most passionate man and I truly think the world of him. He inspires me to be the same.

We know you’re a busy lady! How do you balance all of your work responsibilities along with your home and personal life? Any tips for our readers?
Plan all dinners for the week on Sunday, make lunches the night before, tidy up as you go, use a planner, and create labels for your email inbox! P.S. Lauren Hooker from Elle & Company has an amazing blog post on how to keep your inbox at zero. It’s helped me immensely.

What’s your favorite app (or other tool!) for helping you do life?
Trello and Planoly. Trello will change the way you do life and business. Planoly is my favourite app to schedule Instagram posts.

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