Show Notes

Rachel Green

Simplicity_Rachel Green-01I am a city girl turned small town farmer’s wife. I live in Leitchfield, Kentucky (near Louisville) and I have grown to love the slow pace and close knit feeling of small town living. I am married to my best friend, Jonathan, and we are have a 8 month old baby boy named Logan. Motherhood has been one of the greatest blessings I have been able to experience, next to being a wife, and I consider myself very lucky to be living those roles daily. Just this year, I was able to quit my job and focus on running Printed Ink full time so that I could be home to take care of our son.

How do you take care of yourself so that you’re physically and mentally prepared to be your best self for others?

Most importantly, I pray. I ask God to give me the strength I need (and sometimes patience) to get through the day and to be the best wife, mother, and business owner that I can. That prayer time puts my mind in the right place and gets me off on the right foot each day. I also try to eat healthy, drink lots of water, and get plenty of sleep. It may be the cliche answer, but it really is what works best for me.

In your house, how do the mundane parts of life get done?

I take care of most of the mundane tasks myself since my husband works outside of the home, and I work in the home so I can take care of our son. I am admittedly OCD about being organized, and it is essential that I have a routine in order to get it all done. My weekly routine makes it so easy because I know that there is time to get it all done and I don’t have to stress out about trying to figure out when to do something. Running a business while taking care of a baby can be tough some days, so things don’t always get done when they need to. But I try my best to take care of business things during my set office hours and chores during my set housework time and it really does make it less stressful. One thing that I try to do to help make it easier is monthly meal planning. It rarely stays the way I planned at the beginning of the month, but I at least know there is a plan for something if I need it. Things change and you have to be flexible with it, but it makes a difference knowing that there is one less decision to make each day when I have a meal already planned. It also helps with the grocery shopping too because I can stock up on things once a month and then just run for the essentials the rest of the month.

What is one tradition or routine that’s really important to you? And why?

With a new little one around the house now, we are starting to create traditions as a family. One of the most important things we do every week is going to church on Sunday mornings. We want to make sure our little boy is raised in church and grows to love God at an early age.

Your PICK SIX: What 6 products can you absolutely not live without?

Simplicity_Green-011. Bible/Devotional:  It always brings me peace and inspiration to read the words of God. I am currently reading the Busy Mom’s Devotional by Lisa Bergren and each week, the study hits me exactly where I need it.
2. iPhone: Unfortunately, I take this thing with me everywhere – even just around the house. I mostly use it for the camera and I am always snapping photos of my sweet baby. But I also use it to keep track of my to-do list, check emails, and social media when I am away from the computer.

3. Diaper Bag: The only time I leave the house without it is when I leave the house without my son (which rarely happens). I am currently using a JJ Cole diaper bag and it has been great for us so far. It is easy to carry and can fit all of the baby essentials with tons of pockets to keep it organized (and this organization-loving mom loves that!).

4. Baby Monitor: Every time the little one naps or when he is sleeping at night, the monitor is on and next to me. I have a Summer video monitor and I absolutely love it. Logan is a good sleeper, but it is a comfort knowing I can check on him anytime I need to. And sometimes this provides entertainment because he likes to look up at the camera and smile when he wakes up!

5. Project Life App: I just started using this more and more and I love it. I love being able to instantly use all of those many photos I take of the little one and put them into scrapbook pages. It is so easy to use and makes me feel better about taking so many pictures!

6. Computer: This is how I run my business and I would have no way of doing what I do without it. I had to live without it while it was being fixed a couple of months ago and it was tough! It is hard to run and online graphic design based business when you have no computer to operate on!

Anything else you think our readers would love to know? Any additional tips or systems that help you keep it all together?

Setting office hours for my business was the best thing I could have done this year. It makes a huge difference in my stress level and gives me more time to enjoy my little one and my husband. It allows me to fully enjoy the time I am with my family and gives me time away from my business to relax and rest my mind. Plus, most times when I come back to work the next day I feel ready to tackle my to-do list and full of inspiration. On that same note, setting a routine for yourself can help you to make more time for the things you enjoy. Especially with a little one to take care of, things can get hectic easily, so it is a lifesaver to be able to have extra time to spend with him knowing that those chores will get done later.

One other thing I am still in the process of learning each day (and probably will always need to be reminded of it) is that no matter how stressful, or sad, or crazy things get, this too shall pass. Every season of life has its ups and downs, and it is important to enjoy it while it is here. Time goes by so fast and before you know it, this season of life will be gone. Don’t get lost in the next step or planning for the future and miss out on what is in front of you now.


Follow along with Rachel:

Instagram: @printedinkdesigns

The Simplicity Series features busy gals, in different stages of life, making what matters happen and tips and tricks they’ve found to be helpful. Simplicity is about building margin into your life and spending time on and with that which fuels your heart. While we love to share products and services that help us day to day, but simplicity is about HEART and intentionally choosing the thing that matters most (your TREASURE) more than anything money can buy. We wear many hats and we know you do too, so we’d love to hear your thoughts as well! For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34

We want to know how you intentionally create joy in your life as well as the ways you make your busy life simpler. Submit your story here.

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