Show Notes

Sometimes God gives us opportunities to just love on the ones that mean the most to us. This week was the first time I really felt like Brady needed me. He’s always needed me, but this week he needed ME. He didn’t want to eat. He didn’t want to run. He didn’t want to watch Veggie Tales. His fever reached almost 104. Here he is with his thermometer, his paci and his favorite blanket.

He wanted to lay on his mama’s chest, nuzzle his face into my neck and rock back and forth and back and forth. Watching your little one sick is no fun, but goodness I loved those moments on Tuesday. Truth is, B’s been very, very snuggly since I returned from our Making Things Happen five city tour two weeks ago. I’m excited for our Fall tour, but my heart is full of JOY knowing that next year we’ll be visiting only ONE city for a BIG Making Things Happen event. Perhaps Brady will travel with me : )

So after his sick day on Tuesday and recovery day yesterday, we decided to PLAY today. Brady was suddenly very interested in exploring our little back yard, so that is where we spent the afternoon. He got dirt on his little seersucker pants, so I let him play in just his tee and a diaper. Then, Mama got a wild hair and turned on the hose.


Seriously it was the LIGHT of my day watching him discover that hose. He played for an HOUR watering the grass and the trees and the dog. (Thank goodness our 150 lb bull mastiff, Briggs, is a patient, understanding, loving dog : ) He learned if you put the hose in your mouth you get a mouth full of water. He also learned that if you spray Mommy she will squeal.

Good times. My heart is full. Happy Thursday.

I truly believe that God grants us opportunities to LOVE, serve and give. Tuesday was my opportunity to make Brady feel safe for one of the first real prominent times, to make him feel loved and taken care of in my arms and to let him know when he is sad or scared or not feeling well, we’ll always be here for him.

It broke my heart to see him sick, but I’m grateful for the opportunity to show him a Mama’s love when he needs it most. And the opportunity to make it all better with a day outside, an Elmo diaper and a garden hose.



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