Show Notes

This verse has been on my mind all day. Today is Small Business Saturday. And I feel slightly weird “advertising” the shop. It’s really not about $5 off or free shipping or a 20% discount. It’s about spreading the message that GRACE is better than perfection, that it’s okay to allow simple joys and pleasures for ourselves (as busy wives and mamas) and that thoughtful gifts (even the kind you make with scissors and glue) are better than expensive ones.

Today was a banner day for our shop. We blew every sales record out of the water. That made me smile, of course. But tonight, when I walked into my garage (yes, we run this little biz out of a 10 x 10 office in my house) and saw the dwindling boxes of Simplified Planners… I stopped for a minute and took a deep breath. Almost 500 of them are out there. They’re in your hands. This little dream I had of creating a system that would allow women just like me to build their own day planner and be a catch-all for the pieces of their daily lives… had come to fruition. Two tons of them (literally, I sprained my foot pushing boxes up our driveway) had come into my house and almost all of them have left.


I’m so proud of this shop because it’s about LOVE. It’s about making what matters happen. Watch the story of WHY here. So although you may have seen our little graphic advertising free shipping this weekend, it’s about so much more than that. This little shop is about equipping women just like me, who want to do and be it all, with things to bring two very specific things into their lives: JOY and SIMPLICITY. And they go hand in hand.

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. I am curled up on the couch, watching Florida State sadly lose a football game. I hope you enjoy the little graphic above. Get yours below. Just click the link, save to your desktop or phone and viola.



PS: The free shipping code I mentioned above is good through Monday, November 26. HIPHIPHOORAY


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