Show Notes

Meg Sutton



Howdy y’all! I’m Meg, the boss lady and doodler behind Belle & Union Co, a paper and home goods company brimming with new-fashioned Americana, a modern take on vintage American wit and wisdom throughout our collection of writings, wrappings and wares. I clearly love alliteration. I live in College Station, Texas (whoop!), with my husband of almost 7 years, Josh, and our fur baby, Ellie. After he graduates from Texas A&M next year, we hope to settle in small town Texas where I can open a shop along with my studio. I’m keeping my fingers crossed he will open a bakery next door!

How do you take care of yourself so that you’re physically and mentally prepared to be your best self for others?

I’ve been trying to consistently go to yoga at the end of the work day, at least a couple times a week. It’s great for my body, but also for my mind. It is time to allow me to just shut off what has been going on during the day, and just have a little me time. Remembering to eat lunch is helpful too! Oftentimes we will be working so hard in the studio we look up at it’s after 2pm. And definitely don’t underestimate the power of prayer. If I ever feel things getting out of control (or even in times of peace) just having that open conversation with the Maker helps to keep me centered and focused on what is important.


What’s your favorite beauty secret?
I truly don’t know that I have any secrets when it comes to beauty! I’m all about simplicity when it comes to my look. I don’t spend more than 5 minutes on makeup, and more often than not I don’t do anything to my hair. I do still try and pick out my outfits the night before (a habit from high school) that way I don’t have to fret over it in the morning. One less thing to do! And sleep, 8-9 hours a night to be well-rested and ready to go for the day.

What’s your favorite go-to outfit for a quick polished look?
Truth be told, most days I am in yoga pants and a tshirt, as my studio is the first floor of the house. But when heading out, I love a great cotton dress. It’s comfortable and easy to make it look like you put a lot of time and energy but with minimal actual effort.

What’s your favorite quick-prep dinner for your family?
I am definitely not the cook in this house; my husband has that job and he loves it (he is currently studying food science). If I’m in charge, I’m all about quick and easy – often a Stouffers lasagna. My cooking game is definitely pretty shameful. During cold weather though, I do enjoy making a good, hearty soup. Soups are one of my very few talents in the kitchen! I’m much happier just letting Josh cook and enjoying the fruits of his labor. 

Tell us your favorite Instagram account to follow and why?
It’s so hard to pick just one. I am definitely a visual person, so it is such an escape to see other people’s lives via photos each day. Currently I’m crushing on @lucy_mail. She hand paints envelopes with fun patterns or images; it’s such a departure from something I would do but I love it all the same. 

What tradition or routine is important to you?
It’s hard to have a routine as a small business owner; it’s constantly a go with the flow, take care of whatever fire needs put out first. But I do love when my husband and I actually take the time to go on a walk around the local campus or through our historic neighborhood. It’s a chance to decompress from the day, and just spend time together hand in hand. In the same vein, I love it when there is time for a good home-cooked meal. I may not be the one cooking, but I certainly love to enjoy my husband’s talents in the kitchen. No phones, no TV, just us. 

What’s in your purse?
My wallet, a tube of lipstick, our mailbox parcel full of pens and pencils, and a jotter – you never know when an idea will hit and you’ve got to put pen to paper. A lot of times I do have the habit of just sticking my phone in my pocket and calling it a day!

Where do you find your inspiration?
Inspiration is truly everywhere – as cliché as that may be. I’m currently inspired by the small towns across America, the little details that make each place unique. I love frequenting vintage and antique shops, because you never know what you might find. Our line is a collection of small batch, artisan quality goods ranging from greeting cards to kitchen items such as tea towels – so anything I can create that has an heirloom element speaks to me. The thought that someone could find one of my goods in an antique shop in 50 years, or have it passed down to them from their parents or grandparents, it touches my heart and keeps me going. 

We know you’re a busy lady! How do you balance all of your work responsibilities with your home life? Any tips for our readers?
With the studio in the house, it’s hard to turn my brain off sometimes (ok, most times). But I make a point that when my husband is home, so after 5 and on the weekends, the computer is off – even if I can’t turn the brain off. Our time together needs to be exactly that, our time together – even if it’s just being lazy on the sofa catching up on our favorite shows. I like to keep a notebook on my nightstand or in my purse to jot things down whenever they come to me. 

What’s your favorite app (or other tool) for helping you do life? 
I am an Instagram junkie for sure. I love Dropbox for being able to link files from my computer to my phone, so I can just snag images from there for uploading. I also use Grum for scheduling Instagram posts, which is a great help on Tuesdays when I post every 2 hours as part of my #hometowntuesday series (which just featured the lovely Emily Ley!)


Follow along with Meg:

Instagram: @belleandunionco
Twitter: @belleandunionco
Pinterest: @belleandunionco


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