This program has been going really well and we’re thrilled for our partners that are now able to gift a beautifully branded, custom Wedding Planner to their brides. This week I have been at Engage!12 in West Palm Beach (an unforgettable experience!) and had the privilege of talking with a number of wedding planners / event designers that have ordered these from us. They were so thrilled to have something truly branded, totally customized (by them — using our templates) and really special to give to their brides. The best part, they told us, is that they’re so useful. Their brides are more organized and appreciate this part of their client experience. So exciting. Client experience is everything. We have 50 of these gorgeous Simplified Wedding Planners remaining, so if you are interested in becoming a partner and stocking up for your 2013 brides, we’d love to have you! But order soon, as these are expected to sell out by the year’s end (and we wont have more in stock until Summer 2013).
Wishing you and your families the happiest of holidays! I’m just returning from Engage!12 – the closing gala was the most incredible event I’ve ever attended. When I walked into the room, I sincerely got choked up. I’m not sure if it was the gospel choir singing, the GAZILLIONS of candles that filled the space or the dear friends who were by my side that got me the most. So much respect for people in this profession of creating celebrations to mark the beginning of married lives. It was an unforgettable experience. Photos to come soon!