Show Notes

Dear Bman,

What a day!! We saw Santa twice in twenty four hours! First he was at Chick Fil A and then he was at International Mall!! This is a photo of your photo – you loved him!!! After we visited the Ice Palace (where Santa waited for you to come see him) we went to the Build A Bear workshop! You picked out a classic brown teddy bear and we named him Buddy. He has a special beating heart (which we put in his little body together during the “heart” ceremony) and is wearing a blue and white baseball sleeve shirt. You love him!! We even put his birth certificate in your baby book.

Afterwards we had brunch together (you LOVE blueberries!) and played at home. Your daddy’s new favorite game is to turn you upside down so I can kiss your face. You laugh and laugh!!

This week was your first Thanksgiving! Your Grandma and Grandpa on your daddy’s side came over with your aunt, uncle, cousins and friends and we had a great big delicious meal! You tried a little of everything! Like your daddy, you loved the cranberry sauce the most.

On Thanksgiving morning you and I watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade together while your daddy prepared the turkey. You loved watching the floats while you tried to “walk” around our brown leather ottoman. Kermit the Frog was your favorite. When Santa Claus came on tv at the end of the parade, I got all teary eyes and your daddy laughed : ) Christmas is so special to our family, B, and I can’t wait to experience all our traditions with you. The Elf (who your silly daddy named Scooter) came to our house for the first time last night!! He will be in our house during the day so he can fly back to Santa at night and let him know how good you’ve been! (That means no pulling mommys hair and no knocking down Mommys picture frames)… Though I’m steadily losing on the last one – you are into everything little man!

I hear Santa is busy making all kinds of toys for you!! I hope you sleep tight in your Christmas jammies tonight. You’ve become such a great sleeper lately.

I love you more than words sweet boy.



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